Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) is the public transportation provider for the Memphis area. As one of the largest public transit operators in the state of Tennessee, MATA transports customers in the City of Memphis and parts of Shelby County on fixed-route buses, paratransit vehicles and vintage rail trolleys.
Digital Marketing | Branding | Website Design & Management
MATA connected with KQ on staff recruitment to increase the number of applicants for their preferred job positions. During the research phase, we found a lot of users were not using the company’s website to search for potential job openings. Our objectives to target Memphians by positioning MATA as a good career opportunity with a goal of 300+ applicants across all job listings.
KQ developed a digital marketing campaign, with strategies such as improving the user experience, paid social media advertising, and increasing overall social media visibility. Our tactics included a brand refresh that highlights the career opportunities available through MATA, the development of attention grabbing ads using real MATA employees, and a dedicated campaign landing page focused on creating positive user experience and creates conversions.

MATA assigned us a target of 300+ applicants in total. Our DM efforts led to 8ooK+ impressions on Facebook Ad campaigns and over 700+ applicants in just a few months, which exceeded their goal.